Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Excel/Access 2019 HELP - Videos for Class Examples AND SAM Projects Homework Tips

Videos Available for Excel and Access Modules covered in Class

This link will take you to a site that has videos for all of the Excel and Access Modules that we will cover in class.

To start - Select "Playlist". These playlists group the videos by the Module they cover and the screen
resolution that they are best formatted for.
There are videos formatted to work with various screen resolutions.
1080p format is designed to work with a screen resolution of 1920x1080.
720p format is designed to work with a screen resolution of 1280x720.
480p format is designed to work with a screen resolution of 640x480.

Each module is divided into multiple segments (see ExcelVideoListDetails.pdf ) This will allow you to pick the specific portions of the modules that you would like to review. You will not have to watch the entire module, if it is not needed.

There are also additional videos for items that do not have specific examples covered in the text, but
that you will need to know for either homework or exams.

These videos can be used to help you if you missed class or just need to review a topic that was covered.

You may want to try to play the video on your smartphone or a tablet (some device other than the
laptop you are using for Excel or Access) or a second monitor if you have that option. That will allow you to watch the video and practice the tasks in Excel or Access on your laptop at the same time. The files that are being used in the videos were all downloaded from the Q drive at the beginning of the

There are also a Video List documents (one for Excel and one for Access) that lists all of the videos and references the pages in the text that are being covered in that video.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Excel Rental Text $7.99 with Cengage Unlimited


Some students have reported only getting the option to Purchase MOS materials, INSTEAD of being able to Rent the Excel book for $7.99.  Please Clear your Browser Cache…  which should correct the problem.

Under the Cengage Unlimited, Print Options menu you should see the Excel Book as a Rental Option.  If not please clear history/cache/cookies, log out and log back in and the purchase options should correct. 

To  Clear your Browser Cookies and Cache

•    Windows PC/Laptop: Hold down Ctrl + Shift + Delete (all at the same time) then click on the “Clear Browsing Data” button.

•    Mac:

•    Chrome: https://kb.wisc.edu/helpdesk/page.php?id=15153

•    Firefox: https://kb.wisc.edu/helpdesk/page.php?id=36150

Thank you,

Mrs. Nemeth

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

FM Pages (Managing Your Files) - New location

Please read the FM pages (Managing Your Files) listed on the daily schedule BEFORE we start learning Excel.  The Managing Your Files.pdf  is available from Canvas, Files or the attachment to this announcement.

Reading the FM pages will be especially helpful BEFORE we start Excel.  There is NOT a pre-requisite for K201, so this is our attempt to get everyone in the same place so the class can move forward as a group.  If you are unfamiliar with the material covered, you may benefit from sitting down at a Windows computer and completing the steps with the tan background. The files you need for hands on practice are in the FM folder (Lab drive available in the classroom  Q:\K201SemesterYrStudentFiles\FM or in the Canvas, Files, K201SemesterYrStudentFiles.zip file) and are referenced in the pdf text.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

K201 reminders before 2nd class session

Before the 2nd class session please complete the following:
1.  1st Day Participation answers emailed in Canvas Messages to your instructor
2.  Complete the Canvas Quiz 1 & 2 before class starts
3.  Read the chapters Management Information Systems (MIS) 1 & 2 before class to learn the most and to determine your questions. (pdf files for Chapters 1 & 2 in Canvas Files if needed)
4.  Print or open in MS Word the Canvas, Files document called MIS Exam 1 Keyword List.pdf so you are ready to take notes during the class lectures for the MIS Exam 1.
5.  Bring a USB drive (with your last name written on it in case you forget it in the classroom) so we can copy the files from the Q:\ drive you will need to be successful in K201 this semester.
6.  Setup your Cengage Unlimited account by completing the steps below.  Note:  There is a PowerPoint attached that gives you a general overview of Cengage Unlimited in case that is helpful.

Cengage Unlimited with Canvas Student Setup Steps
1.     Students should login to their Canvas section (canvas.iu.edu then click on K201 section).
2.     Click on Modules
3.     Click the SAM link
4.     Create Cengage Account (username, password etc)
5.     Determine subscription length desired (1 term, 1 year, 2 years) and click the radio option button accordingly.
6.     Pay with credit card for the subscription (there is a 14 day free trial)
7.     On the Cengage Unlimited Home screen (Canvas, Modules, Cengage Unlimited Student Dashboard) you should ADD Tiles that are clickable in Cengage Unlimited.  A Cengage/SAM section tile should show there because of our Canvas integration.
    1. 9781285186139 Management Information Systems Seventh Edition by Sousa & Oz 
    2. 9780357025765  New Perspectives Excel 2019 (MS Office 365) Comprehensive by Patrick Carey 
    3. 9780357025758 New Perspectives Access 2017 (MS Office 365) Comprehensive by Shellman & Vodnik 

      8.     Once added you can access your K201 materials from Canvas, Modules (either a SAM link for homework cases & exams, or Cengage Unlimited Student Dashboard for e-texts)
      Note:  Once the semester ends it may be helpful to know you can also access Cengage Unlimited directly from your Cengage account (cengage.com) and that you have an additional 12 months access to your favorite six e-texts after your subscription expires.